Thursday, January 30, 2020
English Paper on Holes Essay Example for Free
English Paper on Holes Essay The film codes and conventions are greatly used in the movie Holes, directed by Andrew Davis, to construct characters and develop the atmosphere. The film is about a young boy, Stanley Yelnats, who is falsely accused of stealing a pair of shoes. As a punishment, he is sent to camp Greenlake, where he meats and discovers an ancient secret that leads him to great treasure. Throughout the movie technical, symbolic, audio and written codes are used to demonstrate the characters’ personalities as well as create a profound atmosphere in every scene. These filmic conventions help the audience to obtain a clearer understanding of the main characters and the movie itself. The innocent and friendly nature of Stanley is effectively demonstrated through the film codes and conventions. He is a protagonist in the movie and undergoes the most change to his personality and behavior throughout the film. In the very first scene, Stanley’s voice over is used saying â€Å"All my life, I seem to appear at the wrong time in the wrong place†. This audio code has a great effect on the viewer’s opinion of Stanley, indicating that he is clumsy or unlucky. A little further into the movie, techniques such as costume and setting are well used. Stanley’s over-sized old clothes and the messy, un-tidy house of the Yelnats’ family gives an impression of a less fortunate family. These filmic codes are vital in the construction of Stanley’s personality. The film codes and conventions successfully show Zero’s as a closed, shy and disrespected little boy. He too is one of the main characters in the movie and over time becomes great friends with Stanley. When Stanley is introduced to the other boys in camp, Mr. Fernandsci explains, â€Å"You know why everyone calls him Zero? Because he has nothing going on in his stupid, little head!†. The effect of this dialogue is immense. Zero is introduced as a dumb and helpless boy, yet we understand that he is plainly judged and bullied. When the councilor proclaims this, Zero turns his back on the boys and his facial expression shows anger and disappointment. These symbolic codes have a huge effect on the viewer’s opinion of zero, suggesting that he is an annoyed and perhaps unapproachable little boy. He just wants everyone to leave him alone. The audience understands zero’s calm yet unsociable personality through the excellent use of various film code techniques. The filmic conventions are used to create a dream-like atmosphere in the scene where kissing Kate Barlow commits suicide. After stealing and burying the treasure of Stanley’s great grandfather, she has been stranded in the desert for several days. When viewers first see her lying on the sand, the focus of the camera is blurred. This technical code has a great effect on the viewers understanding of the scene, showing that it is a flash back or memory. Further into the episode, a blurred image of Sam appears and Kate murmurs, â€Å"Its so hot Sam but I feel so cold†. These techniques give an impression that Kate’s vision is blurring and she is hallucinating because of exhaustion. This dialogue and several other shots work together to create the imaginary, almost unrealistic atmosphere. A happy and relieving atmosphere is created with the use of film codes in the scene where Stanley and Zero climb god’s thumb and reach water. After a close escape from Camp Greenlake, the two boys have been wondering along the desert for days. They have finally reached a rocky mountain in the shape of a thumb, onto which Stanley’s great grandfather had once climbed, and found water. Joyful and lively music plays when the boys finally come to the top of the mountain. The use of this technique demonstrates how Zero and Stanley have finally reached their goals and the atmosphere is clearly shown. Throughout this scene, cool colors such as blue, purple, grey and violet are used. This symbolizes the peacefulness of the situation and the viewer gives a sigh of relief, as the main characters are unharmed. These filmic codes are very important in the construction of a serene atmosphere in the particular scene. The atmosphere and the characters’ personalities in the movie are created by the excellent use of film codes and conventions. Voice overs, body language and costumes are used to construct the character of Stanley and Zero. Colors, music, different camera shots and dialogue are used during different scenes to portray the correct atmosphere. These various codes give us a better understanding of the film and the important messages.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
How To Write a Nursing Research Paper :: Nursing Profession, Nursing Career
Title The elements needed to be included in a good title should contain the critical words or a phrase that describes the article; identify the major variables and the population. The title of this article has identified the independent and dependent variables which is the adaption and effects of the training program to help patients with end stage renal disease (Coughlan, Cronin, and Ryan, 2007; Nieswiadomy, 2008 p.380). Abstract The authors of this article have outlined the purpose, aims, and objectives of the study. It also provides the methods used which is quantitative approach to collect the data, the results, conclusion of the study. It is important that the author should present the essential components of the study in the abstract because the abstract may be the only section that is read by readers to decide if the study is useful or not or to continue reading (Coughlan, Cronin, and Ryan, 2007; Ingham-Broomfield, 2008 p.104; Stockhausen and Conrick, 2002; Nieswiadomy, 2008 p.380). Introduction This article hasn’t provided an introduction; however a lengthy summary of the study which identifies the problem, purpose and rationale for the research study has been provided in the background. The introduction should give the reader a general sense of what the document is about, and preferably persuade the reader to continue reading. This prepares the reader for reading the rest of the document (Burns & Grove, 2001 p.636; Nieswiadomy, 2008 p.380; Stockhausen and Conrick, 2002). Literature review As Burns and Grove (2001) & Polit and Hungler (1997) as cited in Ingham-Broomfield (2008 p.104) mentioned that the primary purpose of the literature review is to discuss what is known, gain broad background and understanding of the available information related to the study. As Coughlan, Cronin, and Ryan (2007) stated that literature review should also help to identify any gaps in the literature relating to the problem and suggest how those gaps might be filled. The authors of this article has not provided any review of literature and this could misinform the reader what the main focus of the study; however, several appropriate references were used in the background. The terms used in the key concepts are adequately defined and consistent with the topic. The background of the study introduces the previous knowledge or what is already known which is to investigate the effectiveness of an ATP designed to help ESRD patients to cope with stressors while receiving haemodialysis treatment .
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Community Service
Community service isn’t about padding one’s resume, it isn’t about doing things so that one might be proud and arrogant about it. But it is the dawning realization of to the greater understanding our humanity, our fragility and a greater appreciation of the great lives that so many of us lead and deem to be â€Å"normal†when it pretty much is extraordinary in its own respect relative to many other individuals around the world. I spent my hours, dedicated to Community service, as an intern at the North Shore Long Island Jewish Hospital. Although taking part in this internship was initiated in order to further my knowledge and experience in the medical field, I was taught how to make relations with unknown people that were for the most part, ill. This has been one of the greatest experiences because I got the chance to interact with many different types of people including doctors, nurses, hospital staff members, and patients. This was a double gift for me because my interests in medicine have been greatly expanded and I was given the honor of being able to help those that were in need, whether it was reading a short book to them, or even closing the curtain in their room upon their request. â€Å"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. †- Mahatma Gandhi. This quote summarizes my experience at the hospital, where I was able to find myself in respect to humanity. When I first got notice that I would be working in a hospital, I was ambivalent: thrilled that I would finally get a chance to experience first-hand what people of the health profession feel, and reluctant because of the atmosphere that would surround me for three hours of a day. Though my intuitions were right to some extent, I didn’t even get a chance to notice the shortcomings of my internship at the hospital. I was always busy with some job or another; from patient interaction to clerical work, my hands were always busy. The first day I went to serve my time at the hospital was quite possibly one of the most enlightened days of my life. I learned more in the three hours than I would in a week if I were to go straight home. Throughout the winter term internship at NSLIJ Hospital I was able to observe a vast array of medical specialties. I learned what it means to be a part of the medical field, and the responsibilities that go along with that. I spent the majority of my time at the hospital shadowing doctors as they went about their daily practices: seeing patients, performing procedures, analyzing test results, collaborating with other doctors, etc. This internship was incredibly valuable as it opened my eyes to time, dedication, and care it takes to become a good doctor. Every few weeks, the interns would switch positions, so that everyone could be a part of most, if not all, departments. There was the ICU, for burn victims; the Children’s Ward, for newborns and infants; the Clerical section, where filing took place; etc. If we were lucky enough, we got the chance to see an actual birth taking place, of course the permission of both the doctor and patient was need along with a strong stomach. In my opinion, the hospital internship is one of the most effective ways in not only putting a person who wants to pursue a career in the health professions on the right path, but also in interacting with people of all sorts. The best thing about this experience was that I was able to put a smile on people’s faces. I received more than just knowledge and experience from taking part in this internship- I received blessings. What more can a person ask for? It was an elderly woman that said â€Å"God Bless You†to me after I had helped her to sit up on her bed. I encourage anyone and everyone to participate in a program similar to this one, because it was beneficial to me in many ways. I was enlightened in the field of medicine and gained experience, I got a chance to build on my people skills, and best of all, I was the source of even the little amount of happiness that I was capable of providing to the people around me! Community Service Community service isn’t about padding one’s resume, it isn’t about doing things so that one might be proud and arrogant about it. But it is the dawning realization of to the greater understanding our humanity, our fragility and a greater appreciation of the great lives that so many of us lead and deem to be â€Å"normal†when it pretty much is extraordinary in its own respect relative to many other individuals around the world. I spent my hours, dedicated to Community service, as an intern at the North Shore Long Island Jewish Hospital. Although taking part in this internship was initiated in order to further my knowledge and experience in the medical field, I was taught how to make relations with unknown people that were for the most part, ill. This has been one of the greatest experiences because I got the chance to interact with many different types of people including doctors, nurses, hospital staff members, and patients. This was a double gift for me because my interests in medicine have been greatly expanded and I was given the honor of being able to help those that were in need, whether it was reading a short book to them, or even closing the curtain in their room upon their request. â€Å"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. †- Mahatma Gandhi. This quote summarizes my experience at the hospital, where I was able to find myself in respect to humanity. When I first got notice that I would be working in a hospital, I was ambivalent: thrilled that I would finally get a chance to experience first-hand what people of the health profession feel, and reluctant because of the atmosphere that would surround me for three hours of a day. Though my intuitions were right to some extent, I didn’t even get a chance to notice the shortcomings of my internship at the hospital. I was always busy with some job or another; from patient interaction to clerical work, my hands were always busy. The first day I went to serve my time at the hospital was quite possibly one of the most enlightened days of my life. I learned more in the three hours than I would in a week if I were to go straight home. Throughout the winter term internship at NSLIJ Hospital I was able to observe a vast array of medical specialties. I learned what it means to be a part of the medical field, and the responsibilities that go along with that. I spent the majority of my time at the hospital shadowing doctors as they went about their daily practices: seeing patients, performing procedures, analyzing test results, collaborating with other doctors, etc. This internship was incredibly valuable as it opened my eyes to time, dedication, and care it takes to become a good doctor. Every few weeks, the interns would switch positions, so that everyone could be a part of most, if not all, departments. There was the ICU, for burn victims; the Children’s Ward, for newborns and infants; the Clerical section, where filing took place; etc. If we were lucky enough, we got the chance to see an actual birth taking place, of course the permission of both the doctor and patient was need along with a strong stomach. In my opinion, the hospital internship is one of the most effective ways in not only putting a person who wants to pursue a career in the health professions on the right path, but also in interacting with people of all sorts. The best thing about this experience was that I was able to put a smile on people’s faces. I received more than just knowledge and experience from taking part in this internship- I received blessings. What more can a person ask for? It was an elderly woman that said â€Å"God Bless You†to me after I had helped her to sit up on her bed. I encourage anyone and everyone to participate in a program similar to this one, because it was beneficial to me in many ways. I was enlightened in the field of medicine and gained experience, I got a chance to build on my people skills, and best of all, I was the source of even the little amount of happiness that I was capable of providing to the people around me! Community Service Community service isn’t about padding one’s resume, it isn’t about doing things so that one might be proud and arrogant about it. But it is the dawning realization of to the greater understanding our humanity, our fragility and a greater appreciation of the great lives that so many of us lead and deem to be â€Å"normal†when it pretty much is extraordinary in its own respect relative to many other individuals around the world. I spent my hours, dedicated to Community service, as an intern at the North Shore Long Island Jewish Hospital. Although taking part in this internship was initiated in order to further my knowledge and experience in the medical field, I was taught how to make relations with unknown people that were for the most part, ill. This has been one of the greatest experiences because I got the chance to interact with many different types of people including doctors, nurses, hospital staff members, and patients. This was a double gift for me because my interests in medicine have been greatly expanded and I was given the honor of being able to help those that were in need, whether it was reading a short book to them, or even closing the curtain in their room upon their request. â€Å"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. †- Mahatma Gandhi. This quote summarizes my experience at the hospital, where I was able to find myself in respect to humanity. When I first got notice that I would be working in a hospital, I was ambivalent: thrilled that I would finally get a chance to experience first-hand what people of the health profession feel, and reluctant because of the atmosphere that would surround me for three hours of a day. Though my intuitions were right to some extent, I didn’t even get a chance to notice the shortcomings of my internship at the hospital. I was always busy with some job or another; from patient interaction to clerical work, my hands were always busy. The first day I went to serve my time at the hospital was quite possibly one of the most enlightened days of my life. I learned more in the three hours than I would in a week if I were to go straight home. Throughout the winter term internship at NSLIJ Hospital I was able to observe a vast array of medical specialties. I learned what it means to be a part of the medical field, and the responsibilities that go along with that. I spent the majority of my time at the hospital shadowing doctors as they went about their daily practices: seeing patients, performing procedures, analyzing test results, collaborating with other doctors, etc. This internship was incredibly valuable as it opened my eyes to time, dedication, and care it takes to become a good doctor. Every few weeks, the interns would switch positions, so that everyone could be a part of most, if not all, departments. There was the ICU, for burn victims; the Children’s Ward, for newborns and infants; the Clerical section, where filing took place; etc. If we were lucky enough, we got the chance to see an actual birth taking place, of course the permission of both the doctor and patient was need along with a strong stomach. In my opinion, the hospital internship is one of the most effective ways in not only putting a person who wants to pursue a career in the health professions on the right path, but also in interacting with people of all sorts. The best thing about this experience was that I was able to put a smile on people’s faces. I received more than just knowledge and experience from taking part in this internship- I received blessings. What more can a person ask for? It was an elderly woman that said â€Å"God Bless You†to me after I had helped her to sit up on her bed. I encourage anyone and everyone to participate in a program similar to this one, because it was beneficial to me in many ways. I was enlightened in the field of medicine and gained experience, I got a chance to build on my people skills, and best of all, I was the source of even the little amount of happiness that I was capable of providing to the people around me!
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Burden of Proof - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2210 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? The legal or persuasive burden of proof is defined as the ‘burden of persuading the tribunal of fact, to the standard of proof required and on the whole of the evidence, of the truth or sufficient probability of every essential fact in issue’. In our scenario, the claimant will bear the legal burden of proving each element of his claim and this entitles him to call evidence first, giving evidence through witnesses, who will also be cross-examined. The legal burden of proof can only be judged in the light of all the evidence presented in a case, and this can only be done once the defendants have also presented their case. The prosecution has the legal burden to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt and to disprove beyond reasonable doubt the defences that an accused raises. In simple terms, there is an obligation of proving or disproving facts at issue. The burden is ‘legal’ in the sense that it is imposed by a legal rule and ‘pe rsuasive’ in the sense that the party bearing the burden will lose on that issue if he fails to discharge the burden by persuading the tribunal of fact to the relevant standard. In Jayasena, Lord Devlin said that the prosecution discharges the evidential burden â€Å"†. In Ching, reasonable doubt is described as a doubt to which you can give a reason as opposed to a mere fanciful sort of speculation. The evidential burden of proof is the burden of adducing evidence fit for consideration by the jury and there is the need to adduce sufficient evidence to satisfy a judge that the matter can be left to the jury to decide. There is an obligation upon both prosecution and defence to present sufficient evidence in support of their case. If the defence fails to discharge the evidential burden, the judge relieves the prosecution from the burden of disproving it. According to Lord Devlin, this requirement may be conveniently called ‘evidential burden’. The prosec ution does not have to disprove every possible defence in advance, so if a party has an evidential burden, it does not mean that they actually have to prove anything. The prosecution discharges the evidential burden by establishing a prima facie case, that is enough evidence to entitle, but not compel, the tribunal to find in favour of claimant, had it been no further evidence. In this case, the claimant has thereby defeated a submission of ‘no case to answer’, while the defendant is not obliged to give evidence or call any witnesses. In established the principle of ‘golden thread’, according to which ‘throughout the web of the English Criminal Law one golden thread is always to be seen, that it is the duty of the prosecution to prove the prisoner’s guilt’. Where the accused pleads one of the exceptions, insanity, he bears the persuasive burden which is discharged on a balance of probabilities. However, if the defendant’s defen ce involves pleading issues, such as non-insane automatism, provocation or self-defence, the onus of disproving them rests on the prosecution. This formulation creates difficulties to juries as to the nature of reasonable doubt. As a result, a second formulation was put forward by Lord Goddard, the ‘satisfied so that you feel sure’. In Summers he stated ‘ if the jury told that it is their duty to regard the evidence and see that it satisfies them so that they can feel sure when they return a verdict, that is much better than using the expression ‘reasonable doubt’. When the defence bears the legal burden on an issue, they must prove it on balance of probabilities , as illustrated by Lord Denning in Miller. As the prosecution must disprove the defence ‘beyond reasonable doubt’, the defendant is required to demonstrate to a judge that a jury might have a reasonable doubt as to whether his defence will be disproved by the prosecution. The evidential burden will have been discharged if the defence was ‘a reasonable possibility’ worth leaving to the jury to consider, but not if ‘no reasonable jury, properly directed as to the law, could fail to find the defence disproved’. Therefore, the defendant must to call witnesses or give evidence to substantiate any defence and then it is for the prosecution to illustrate beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant did not act in self-defence and acted with the necessary mental element. Question 2 a confession is defined as inclusive of any statement that partly or wholly adverse to someone who made it, whether made to someone in authority or not, or made in words or otherwise. A confession may be oral, in writing, by conduct or in any other way of communicating information. As stated in, if the defendant accepts an accusation made by the victim of the crime, or by someone else who is on an equal footing, then to the extent that he has accepted it , the statement becomes his own. However, any breach of the procedure may be used as ground for excluding a confession. First, as soon a police officer has grounds to suspect that a person has committed an offence and wishes to question him, the necessary steps needs to be follow, including access to legal advice, as anything said is considered as evidence under. The admissibility and relevance of a confession are questions to be decided by the judge, whereas the weight to be given to the confession is a question for the jury. The defendant cannot be compelled to testify as this may be regarded as a breach of the legal procedure. If the witness is wrongly compelled to answer such a question, his answer may not be admitted as evidence against him at his later prosecution. Under the defence may represent to the court that the confession may to be obtained by suasion and should automatically excluded, even if it turns out to be true. As defined in the method of questioning may amoun t to oppression. For example, in the deliberate misuse of the truth about the defendant’s mother health by the police could amount to harsh or improper treatment and therefore oppression. Finally, the Court of Human Rights restated the importance of the right to silence and privilege against self-incrimination under Article 6 ECHR regarding access to justice and fair procedure. Pursuant, there is the legal advice privilege, according to which communications passing between lawyer and client, materials prepared for the purposes of litigation and advice given are privileged. To quote the words of Lord Taylor, ‘’, being sure that nothing will be revealed without his consent. It arises out of a relationship of confidence between lawyer and client. Thus, the privilege must prevail over purely procedural subordinate legislation. The only limitations imposed are in relation to the relevant legal context as held in Balabel and Three Rivers. Finally, it is submitted th at no breach of confidentiality and no loss of privilege is involved when they are present during interviews or involved in preparing or transmitting communications with the client. Question 3 Opinion evidence is not admissible because it is for the tribunal of fact, and not for the witnesses, to form its opinion on the evidence. They must confine themselves to their personal perception of facts and not make any inferences from those directly observed facts. The opinion of expert-witnesses is helpful when the jury or the judge are unable to form an opinion based on bare facts and require additional expert assistance or when matters arise which concern other sciences or faculties. Although the ‘helpfulness principle’ of an expert witness has been criticized , expert opinion evidence to be admissible it must be able to provide the court with information which is probably outside of jury’s or a judge experience and knowledge, but it must also be evidence which gives the court the help it needs in forming its conclusions. There is no closed category where evidence cannot be placed before a jury, as ‘it would be wrong to deny to the law of evidence the advances to be gained from new techniques and new advances in science’ . An expert’s opinion in order to be reliable it have to be illustrated by admissible evidence. In Hodges was held that part of an expert’s experience and expertise might lie in his knowledge of unpublished material and in his evaluation of it. In R v Gilfoyle, the court suggested that if an opinion given by an expert may not be independently reconsidered by any criteria, this may to hinder its admittance. This is why provides that a jury shall not to make a determination [on unfitness to be tried]†¦except on the written or oral evidence of two at least medical registered practitioners. In our scenario, Dr. Khan’s opinion will not be admissible in evidence, because the method u sed is an innovative one, which cannot be independently reviewed yet and in any case it is essential that another registered medical practitioner confirms Dr Khan’s opinion. Question 4 (a)provides that ‘any person who without legal authority or presumable excuse and whereof the proof shoul lie on him, has into his possession any offensive weapon in any public area shall to be regarded guilty of violation †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. In R v Williams , it was concluded that imposes a legal burden on the defendant and it was then for the prosecution to make the jury sure that the appellant was not aware and did no has any reason to be suspected that it was readily convertible. Pursuant toan imitation weapon is one that looks as a such weapon; and it can be easily be converted into a weapon which a shot may be discharged. S. 1(6) mentions ‘readily convertible’ as requiring someone without special skills to converting it and for the work involved no tools or outfit other than such as are in common use by individuals performing manufacture and maintenance works in their own homes. The burden of proof on the defendant relies on the plea of diminished responsibility, as per section William has the legal burden of proof and to establish, on the balance of probabilities, that he has not been aware that the imitation firearm could be converted to fire live ammunition and thus he had no intention to use it and thus he may be able to rely upon this defence at trial. (b)In Bowers , it was held that clearly allows an adverse inference to be drawn from silence at a police interview where an accused had not given evidence, as to hold otherwise would permit an accused to preclude the drawing of such inferences by choosing not to give evidence. permits conclusion to be assumed when a accussed remain silent at the time he questioned. , the defendants silent was inadmissible, but the jury had to conclude to an unfavorable conclusion because of defendan ts silence at charge according to section 34(1)(b). Subsequently, this section cannot be applied to William case. In criminal proceedings, the general rule is that everybody has to be regarded innocent until guilty is proven. The prosecution has to illustrate that the defendant committed an offence by establishing ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ all elements of the violation. permits the jury and the court to conclude to such presumptions as may be regarded proper from the defendant failure or refusal to give evidence and answer any question without good reason. Conclusion is not permitted when the court understands that the mental or physical condition of the defendant makes him undesirable to provide evidence. Based on the 5-step test established in Cowan , if jury’s conclusion show that the silence only can appreciably be ascribed to the defendants no answers or none that would stand up to cross-examination, they may conclude to an hypothetical presumption. Also in , it was held that a jury had not directed that reasons might be provided for not giving other evidence than the inability to explain or answer the prosecution case. Therefore, ay be able to be applied in our case. (c)Where a suspect disputes identification, the prosecution will have to prove that the defendant is, beyond all reasonable doubt, the person who committed the offence. This is because it has not been clear so far whether the statement that the accused person was the person who committed the offence is admissible as evidence, or merely evidence confirming the evidence of the identifying witness at trial. According to the admissibility of a witness statement about identification is based on whether the evidence are given to the best of his belief and he states the truth. Building on that, the Court of Appeal in Turnbull provided guidance regarding disputed identification evidence and specified that a mistaken witness possible can be persuasive, but notice is required if the prosecution depends fully on the regularity of the identification of the defendant which the defense claims to be incorrect. Also the jury must take into account all the conditions in which identification was made, such as distance, light, impediments, witnesses’ previous accusations and the time between original observation and formal identification. In our scenario, given the circumstances at the night of the crime, William can argue based on Turnbull that there is a high probability that the witnesses’ statement may be not accurate as they cannot be absolutely sure about what they saw. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Burden of Proof" essay for you Create order
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